Dr. Olson’s psychological evaluation treatment includes typically one to three evaluation sessions (including testing, if needed), mutually agreed upon goals and treatment plans, and psychological treatment aimed at finding healthy solutions that will enhance your life and relationships.
Appointments & General Questions
If you are a new patient, your initial appointment should be scheduled by either phone or e-mail.
By phone, please call 937-436-5999. Leave a voice mail message that includes your name and contact phone number.
By email, please use our online contact form here.
An office staff member will respond confidentially within 1 business day, during normal business hours.
Appointment Forms
Prior to beginning your first appointment, you will need to complete and sign a few forms. These forms can be downloaded and printed here to provide you the convenience of completing the paperwork in your own home. You can then bring the completed paperwork to your first session. If you opt not to complete the forms in advance, please arrive 30 minutes early to your first session and complete the paperwork in our office.